Sunday, 29 April 2012

Harry Potter, Pain Relief & Pedestrian Attacks

Diagram of a painful shoulder injury

This is just a very quick post to, keep my hand in so to speak, cos my current exercise is to work on tone of voice. I think I'd have to describe my success so far as moderate at best. I don't really have much volume to compare at the moment, so I guess we'll see.

Well the period since my last post here has been interesting to say the least. I've been pretty busy and I'm quietly pleased with some of the progress I've made. I'm still looking for some graft and a lot of my efforts have centered around that, which is no bad thing, believe me.

My days are quite regimented to be honest, between brushing up on my Excel and HTML skills on a morning and trying to stay focused on the things I need to stay capable at for work. I'm trying to use different blogs for different stuff so I'm not going too deep here at all, at least I hope not anyway!

I'm in a lot of pain and subsequently Pain Relief has been necessary so I hope I'm not rambling too much. I suffered a Pedestrian Attack the other day whilst on the bike and when the guy stepped in my path I chose a dismount rather than hitting him. I was kinda trying to protect the bike as much as the guy or myself cos I was going at quite a lick, so I suppose mission accomplished on that metric as the bike and the guy are just fine. My shoulder on the other hand is Foxtrot Uniform in a serious way. The rotator cuff I injured ages ago and I've been slacking on my rehab so now I have an injury which my eldest daughter Gen, (an avid Harry Potter fan), agrees sounds like something the young wizard himself might utter to dispel some particularly vile adversary.

I'll live anyway and will definitely be hitting the physio hard when the time comes. At the moment I'm in a sling and despite looking decidedly Not On Branch, I'm persevering with it cos I know rest is important and I didn't really do that previously with the other injury.

So that's my excuse for not sticking around longer since I'm actually in a very bad and uncomfortable position in order to write this. There's not much to tell anyway. The weather is miserable, wettest drought in history and all, I can't really use the gym and I've not got either of the kids so am feeling thoroughly sorry for myself. Trust me, my whingeing you do not want to hear so count yourselves lucky I'm getting myself off.

If you've recently found this blog of mine well here's another great blog. It's called My Do's & Doings and is penned by a mate. It's not just cos he's a mate I say it's very good, it genuinely is and you should check out.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Me, Myself & the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence

It's a Quick Response code which goes to my other blog, Relevant Social Media UK
You know you wanna!

Hey people, Greetings from Stringa!

So it's almost a third of the way through the year and I'd totally forgotten that I lost my previous incarnation of this blog - hence "Another Day in the Lift" - but have been so busy, sometimes doing nothing, that this has been neglected somewhat!

A lot of my time is taken up by my usual blogging home here: which is where I attempt to be very serious and urbane on matters relating to technology, social media, my HTML inadequacies etc., whereas on here I plan to be a little more relaxed. However you should still check out my most recent post over there cos it's pretty good, but then I would say that wouldn't I? It's all about my first full impression of the Ice Cream Sandwich version of the brilliant Android OS.

Suffice it to say that I'll make sure I'm on here as much as possible from here on in. I actually like the look of the new Blogger, remember checking it out months ago but I'm so busy with other projects and general day to day life it kind of got away from me. It's still a shock though, to realise that I've not been on here at all. There are so many exciting things going on in my life and in the world, even just the world of Google, right now, I could probably talk for an hour easy. Now isn't the time though, but I'm currently feeling a lot of love for (and indeed from) Google+, ICS, Chrome, Chrome for Android (except lack of Flash support) and, most recently Google Currents. Just too much to cover right now and you can see I'm exhibiting some severe Geek cross over here so brevity and levity huh?

This is meant to be a very quick post just to introduce myself anyway and I really must go as I'm not even multi tasking at the moment, (9 browser tabs open, radio on & also my phone in my hand more time for calls, texts and social networks), I'm just swamping myself and productivity is about 60% at best.

So that's me for right now, I promise to get back on here as soon as possible and also to keep it as interesting as possible. Peace!

P.S. For that one person wondering about my mockney rhyming slang; it's Stringa Beads, Leeds, Leeds, Leeds!

I want one of these signed shirts!
Signed by the Legendary Norman Hunter.